2 DIY Plumbing Skills That Will Save You Money on Emergency Plumbing Repairs

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When it comes to dealing with plumbing emergencies, having DIY plumbing skills can help homeowners avoid bigger, costlier plumbing repairs. A little time and effort put into fixing minor problems right away is essential for preventing aggravation of problems down the line.

So, what plumbing skills should you consider adding to your skill set? Here are two vital plumbing skills every homeowner should learn.

Stopping leaks in your pipes

Every drop of water is precious. Immediately once you spot a leak in your water pipes, stopping the dripping should be your top priority, no matter how big or small the leak may be. Stopping a leak can minimise water damage to your property, but also conserve water. If left unattended for a long time, leaky water pipes can result in wastage of large quantities of water. This can lead to a waste of money through increasing your monthly water bills.

To temporarily fix a leaky pipe, shut off the water supply to the leaky pipe. Turn on any faucets joined to the drippy pipe to allow any water remaining within the leaky pipe to drain. Use a dry rag or cloth to wipe the pipe dry, and then apply epoxy to the dripping area. Restore water supply to see if the problem is fixed. If it is fixed, ask an emergency plumber to come to your home and provide a permanent solution.

Stopping clogs 

Clogs are another common plumbing issue in many homes. If you'd like your home's plumbing system in good working condition at all times, you'll need to learn how to fix clogging issues. The good thing with clogging in a plumbing system is that it doesn't just happen. Usually, you'll see warning signs of upcoming trouble before the actual problem occurs. To stop clogs from disrupting the normal functioning of your residential plumbing system, you'll need to learn how to use a plunger and a plumber's snake.

A plunger is a handy tool for clearing most clogs in sinks, tubs, and toilets. You simply need to create an airtight seal around the opening of the blocked drain and plunge up and down until the clogging clears away. The plumber's snake can be used for dealing with difficult blockages. 

If you can learn these two plumbing skills, you'll be able to avoid major disruptions caused by leaky pipes and clogged drains. That said, it's always best to call an emergency plumber to provide a permanent solution to your problem.
