What To Do When Your Drains Are Really Badly Blocked

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Everyone dreads the day when they go to flush the toilet and it refuses to budge. There is no worse feeling than knowing you are going to go through the ordeal of having a blocked drain because you know it will be long, complicated and probably cost a lot of money. What you don't realise is that there is now a subset of plumbers who specialise in blocked drains and have specialised tools and experience to sort any blockage in hours, not days. A blocked drain specialist plumber is the new king of blocked drain repair and should be your first call when you see a problem.

What Does A Blocked Drain Specialist Plumber Do That Normal Ones Don't?

While regular plumbers perform many fantastic services, even they can get overwhelmed by large blockages. Many houses have complicated drainage systems (especially older ones) that make it almost impossible to reach areas of plumbing without tearing up the very floorboards you walk on. A blocked drain specialist plumber has a larger armoury of specially extended tools, stronger chemicals and intricate knowledge of how to suss out and remove a stubborn blockage. Think of them a specialist in the medical field that you would visit for a specific problem due to their expertise and equipment.

Will My Pipes Need To Be Replaced?

In some circumstances, pipes will need to be removed and replaced, but that is generally only for a few reasons, including:

  1. Tree roots infiltrating the drains. If you live on the ground floor, then this is a more common occurrence and those pipes will need to be replaced.
  2. A buildup of minerals. Sometimes lime and other minerals can build up in your pipes making the available space extremely tiny. This will warrant pipe replacement as well.
  3. Damaged lining. Sometimes you may have a burst pipe and not even realise it because it is in an obscure place. This cannot remain as it poses a threat to the whole integrity of the house, not just the pipes.

How To Find A Blocked Drain Specialist Plumber

In most metropolitan cities across Australia, you will find many options for plumbers when you search for them. To find a blocked drain specialist plumber you need to narrow your search to include those specific terms. When scanning the results, look for companies that highlight their skills with blocked drains and perhaps mention a specific problem you have with your blockage. Don't assume every plumber will be a specialist blocked drain plumber. While many do have experience with blocked drains this does not mean they are specialists.  
